The Future of Search: Beyond the Search Box

Discover the future of search

The future of search is one of the most discussed market trends this year. This tool has the potential to revolutionise the way people and companies work with the system responsible for asking questions and providing answers.

One of the significant technological advancements is enabling users to perform this type of search using images and voice. Although this is already part of our daily lives, it is common to have various questions about the subject.

If you are one of these people, don’t worry. We have prepared a comprehensive guide to help you understand more about the future and how you can use these new tools to your advantage.

What is Image and Voice Search?

The days of conducting searches by typing into a text box are long gone. We are now in an era where technology is presenting new ways to perform certain processes more simply and practically, aiming to optimise our daily lives.

As a result, new techniques considered the future of search have emerged: voice and image analysis. Each offers its variations, allowing users to utilise what is most convenient for their situation. Below, we will introduce you to each of these options so you can learn more about them:

Image Search

Is conducted through visual stimuli, i.e., photos taken by the user’s camera. The user takes a photograph with their smartphone, tablet, or computer and uploads it into the search field of the online page.

With just this, artificial intelligence will present results related to what you desire, ranging from the name of what is in the image to the item’s characteristics and many other related pieces of information. Using this type of search, you won’t need to describe the object with words, as the system will be able to show you what it is based on the visual alone.

However, this feature is most useful in cases where no in-depth information about the item is needed, as only the physical characteristics will be evaluated by artificial intelligence.

How to Use Image Search

Google Lens is the tool used for this type. The platform, launched in 2019, has undergone various updates to achieve its current functionality.

To use it, simply open the application on your device, take a photo, and the tool will search for materials and answers that could assist you.

Voice Search

Another system that fits into the future of search is voice search. This is when the user conducts a search directly using an audio message, similar to having a conversation with a mobile device.

Like the image-based version, this model also yields good results, optimising the user’s time by eliminating the need to type what they are searching for. However, voice search has the advantage of allowing users to perform a more detailed search, presenting the characteristics of the item they are looking for or elaborating on their question in-depth.

With the help of artificial intelligence, the researcher can create a contextualised search based on the phrase they constructed, bringing the best results for their query.

How to Use Voice Search

To perform a voice search, simply go to the Google homepage. In the search bar, there is a button with a microphone icon. Press this button, record your question, and wait for the platform to provide the answers. One of the great benefits of this search method is the quick feedback, allowing you to find an answer to your query in just a few seconds.

How the Future of Search Can Benefit Your Company’s Marketing

It’s common for a company’s marketing department to stay updated on the latest market trends, and the future is no exception. These new tools can enhance brand experiences, bringing various benefits to teams. Here are some of the advantages for companies:

Faster Response Time

Both image and voice searches provide quick responses, reducing the waiting time for users to get an answer. This optimisation allows the team to maintain a good workflow.

Increased Customer Interaction

The future of search also benefits companies by offering a new way for customers to interact. By providing these types of searches to your customers, you can improve their engagement and ensure all their queries are addressed.

Promotes Accessibility

Many people, particularly the elderly and those with disabilities, find it difficult to type in search fields. With image and voice options, these users can access information more easily, enhancing the accessibility of these platforms.

Embrace the Future!

Like all market innovations, tools considered the future will continue to improve over the years. However, even with limited use, they already show great results for users and companies that adopt them. Therefore, it’s worthwhile to start incorporating these innovations to optimise your time and have simplified access to all the answers you need.


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